ART_chitectural Design

Urban beautification design strategies for enhancing city spaces, infrastructures and green areas, working with light as an architectural material.

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Land Art proposals for parks and plazas.

Road feature lighting.

Bridges & Underpasses cladding design strategies.

Sculptural landmarks.

Lighting Consultancy

From the creation of the light-visual identity of the space to the last detail implementation of the lighting solutions.

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Concept Design and Development.

Luminotecnic engineering

Luminotecnic engineering.

Lighting control management

Lighting control management.

Diseño técnico de Alumbrado de Carreteras y Alumbrado Urbano

Emergency lighting.

Urban & Road lighting

Urban & Road lighting.

Landscape lighting

Landscape lighting.

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Sun control strategies and interaction with artificial lighting.

    Analysis of natural light efficiency in permeable facades.

    Analysis of disturbing light.

    Engineering of solar control mechanisms.

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Media Facades

Light and color dynamic lighting solutions for façades and external claddings.

    Visual art performance

    Design integration with architecture.

    Engineering and Programming.

Energy efficiency

Value engineering design for energy and cost savings.

Management of compliance with regulations and certifications for energy-efficient lighting in buildings.

Urban lighting master plan.

Energy efficiency engineering for lighting.

Design and development of techno-ecological solutions.

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Custom Design

Ideation and consulting for the industrialization of special luminaires.

    Design and development of luminaires.

    Adaptation of standard products.

    Unique pieces or industrial series.

    Luminescent structures and unique poles.